Every year, I look forward to getting some homegrown tomatoes from my friend, Vivian’s.10504892_834381246596860_3105128211836797856_o
She generously gives from her beautiful garden that she meticulously maintains and I am always grateful to receive such precious and delicious gifts from such a person I admire and look up to.
I also take this opportunity to practice photographing colorful items so these photos are all SOOC (straight out of camera) – I am happy with how they turned out, but I believe they could be better. Until next year. :)04000200428005011027007009

Jonah also enjoys visiting Vivian’s garden because he gets to play with her garden toads!IMG_1521IMG_1541IMG_1547
The toad was uninjured, although he might have been a bit traumatized – yikes!
Goodbye, Summer – I will miss you dearly! 


Kathy M. said...

These heirloom tomatoes are so unique and scrumptious looking. They should be on the cover of a Martha Stewart Magazine; absolutely beautiful photography!!!