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Meet my first portraiture volunteers. These pictures were taken on December 28, 2004, when I returned back to the Philippines after emigrating to the US for a few years ago. I had returned once before this particular trip, but this trip was special because I had just purchased my very first digital camera and my love affair with photography was just beginning to blossom. The following pictures are some of my most cherished memories because when I saw them running around and playing in the beach, I wanted so bad to take their pictures but was really shy and afraid of what their reactions might me.

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Luckily, my mother, realizing that I was having an inner crisis of whether to take pictures or not, simply encouraged me to take pictures and I’m so glad I did. These pictures were taken at a tiny island near Boracay, a tiny resort island far far away from the mainland. So I’m pretty sure these kinds’ encounters with digital cameras (these were taken with my Canon Powershot A60), would be limited and possibly infrequent (even if they were just little point and shoots).
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So after taking a few snapshots I had them all huddle around me to check out some of the pictures they’ve taken. I don’t remember communicating with them through words because every island in the Philippines had their own native dialect (on top of the national dialect), so our modes of communication were done through smiles, laughter and hand gestures. I had the most fun hearing them laugh at themselves every time I pressed the button to show the next picture. It was a lot of fun.
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I hope to one day return to that little island and see if I can find them again. I would love to give them copies of these pictures and see how they’re doing. I would say that this experience is what got me hooked as far as portraiture goes. It’s what I enjoy the most and hope to specialize in it in the future. Below is one of my favorite memories, and this was taken by my mom. I saw myself in these children and was so humbled to be accepted as a playmate and not a threat. It’s why I love photographing children…because I, myself, am really just a big kid. 
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(above photo by: Marie Marte)


Renee said...

Wow, those pictures are wonderful!

Avalonne Hall said...

These photos are lovely. Portrait/people photography is so wonderful when you can capture some real emotion and children are so much fun, lively and vivacious :)

rachel red lips said...

First off, congrats on your first sale! I hope there are many more to come :)

It is so precious that you have these photos as a memory, and so sweet that these kiddos obviously loved getting their picture taken by you!

Portraiture is hard for me, too...I feel rushed to take the picture and then end up not getting my camera settings right. Although, it is definitely becoming more intuitive as I continue on...

Keep it up girl! <3

Alice said...

you have a great blog! really terrific post - GREAT shots - and layout :)
